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Why Your Armpits Still Smell After a Shower

why your armpit still smells after a shower

We’ve all been there: fresh out of a shower but you still smell your own body odor. Learn all about apple cider vinegar, the only natural remedy you need to stay fresh and odor-free.

What is that Grey Lint in Your Hairbrush?

how to get lint out of hairbrush

Struggle from greasy hair? Your hairbrush may be the cause. Oily hair is so common that most who suffer from excess scalp oil, do not investigate the reasons why hair remains greasy, even shortly after washing it.

Did You Know Your Apple Cider Vinegar Has A Mother?

Every wellness guru will tell you that apple cider vinegar is good for your health, but what makes it healthy and is this ingredient backed by science? Today I will be looking at the science behind apple cider vinegar, how to determine its quality and what exactly provides its health benefits.

5 Ways To Naturally Whiten Teeth

ways to naturally whiten teeth - kaia naturals

Many people feel self conscious about their smile and associate pearly whites with a healthy mouth. I’m going to be sharing 5 gentle and natural ways you can whiten your teeth at home.